FPS Motherboard Camera Concept Finance

This weeks goals:

Plan and Shoot FPS video

Me and my friend Jake have been planning a First Person Shooter style video for about a week now. We’ve gone to the location and took some test shots, and Jake tested out some effects on it. We just need to organize a few people to come meet us with costumes. We’re shooting it this Saturday.

Save up for Motherboard

I’m building a computer. I want this computer to be epic by the time I move to University. This weeks goal is to put away £20 towards a new Motherboard.

Take Travelling Camera Club photo’s

I joined another Travelling Camera Club route and I have the camera with me now. I want to put quite a lot of work into these photo’s whilst keeping them spontaneous.

Come up with video concept for next week

Jake asked if we should start a channel together. I concurred. I want to try and make a video a week, therefore I need to come up with a plan for next weeks video.

Uni finance

More of a personal thing, but I need to sort out my University finance urgently. Get paperwork sorted for Thursday. (Reminder)

I think that’s it for now. Let’s hope next week I have done all these things!

This post is for a new weekly feature I’m doing where I talk about my goals for that week. Next Monday I will revisit these goals and see if I completed them, along with writing down the goals for next week.

The Travelling Camera Club

It’s an amazing thing to hold something in your hand that you know has travelled across seas from a faceless stranger, that has seen amazing things, knowing that you are the last person to behold it before it finds home. This is why I found it hard to let go of the disposable camera sent to me from Austria as part of The Travelling Camera Club.

Photo by Georg

The idea is simple. A cheap disposable camera gets sent to one person, they take 5 photo’s, they send it to the next person, take 5 photo’s, and so on until there are no exposures left. The camera then gets sent back to headquarters, and the awesome Phil gets them developed and uploads them.

It’s really nice to see the contrast of photo’s taken by these different people, and getting a feel for their personality even though you’ve never met them. That’s what drew me into the idea of the Travelling Camera Club, and that’s why I joined.

The photo’s from the route that I was involved in have been developed, and are now online for everyone to see. Everyone involved in this route did a really amazing job, and I love all the photo’s. The last 4 photo’s were taken by me. I didn’t take 5 because I was already taking too long to post the camera back to Phil. I urge every person reading this to take a look at the club, and sign up.

Click here to see route 7’s photo’s!

I definitely think the effect a disposable camera has on these photo’s is really nice. What do you think of the photo’s?

Solving a Rubik’s cube once a day

I have been able to solve a Rubik’s cube for a while, but also for a while, I haven’t had a working cube. My fastest time ever was 52 seconds, but after over 6 months of no practice, that has dropped dramatically. However, with the help of Youtube, I will be solving a cube on camera every single day. In fact I have already started:

The next video will hopefully have sound, as I head to my Mom’s and pick up my good camera’s computer cable, so I can film from that.  It won’t just be boring solving, I will be narrating it too, and also I will share tips that I discover, and maybe even patterns.

Blind for a day

Imagine what it’s like to be blind? Well I didn’t want to imagine anymore, so one night, on my way home, whilst I was severely intoxicated with god knows how much alcohol, I decided to give it a try.

I closed my eyes, and tried not to open them until I woke up the next morning. Unfortunately I failed, and opened my eyes a couple times, but only because I ended up getting lost in some tiny road I never knew existed in my own neighbourhood. I opened them because I suddenly realized I was in somebodies front garden, feeling my way along their garden wall.

There were so many interesting things I found out. Firstly, hand-eye co-ordination is a lot harder when you take away the eye part. I tried to brush my teeth, and putting the toothpaste on the brush was considerably difficult. Try it with your eyes closed, you’ll see what I mean. Secondly, you have no way of knowing whether you are walking straight or in a curve unless you have something to reference to, like touching a wall, or using your feet to feel the cracks in the ground. Thirdly, you use your memory so much to remember your surroundings. My room was a tip, but somehow I managed to remember where every loose piece of clothing was strewn, and didn’t find it hard to navigate from one end of my room to the other.

So this is a project I am going to try and do pretty darn soon, so it doesn’t get stolen. It’s called “Blind for a day” and it is pretty self explanatory. I will be wearing patches on both my eyes for one entire day, from when I wake up (or in fact when I go sleep the night before) to when I go sleep (or in fact wake up the morning after). I’m looking for somebody willing to document my progress for an entire day, and maybe provide a tiny bit of visual aid.

I’m also going to send the finished video into TV producers and ask if they want to give me some money to go full swing and totally reenact the life of somebody who has just lost their sight, including how doctors would help them, and the services they receive, or don’t.

I’m not too sure when I will be filming this, but it will hopefully be sometimes in the next month or so.

Don’t hesitate to keep ’em in line

I’m currently working on two different promo music video’s, both of which are in different stages of production. The two bands are called No State, and Rumoko Jr. and both videos are expected to be finished by the end of April.

First off, I’ve finished filming, and will be editing very soon, a video for a band called No State, a fairly new, small and local band who’s influences include Nirvana, and Foo Fighters. The song is called Hesitate, and you can listen to it song here. Expect a lot of trippy Nirvana style shit in this.

Secondly, this Tuesday me and two awesome people from college (Chantelle and Martin) will begin filming for a band named Rumiko Jr. This is a weird one, because I’ve never even met the band, one of the members is Martin’s guitar teacher. We will be shooting it over 2 days, and only one of the band members will be in it, for only one of the days. The other day, we’re working with children. The song is called Keep ’em in line and you can listen to it here.

Wheezy Wiki

You may or may not be familiar with awesome Youtuber Wheezywaiter. He’s the king of in-jokes and beards. I personally am a massive fan of his, in fact a while ago, I teamed up with two other members of SouthPoleoftheMoon to organize a collaborative wink (he gets people to send in winks and uses them as his outro) and we ended up with 20+ people in the video. Check out the video it was featured in below.

There were so many different formats to consider whilst editing this. My face didn’t actually end up being in it, because there was a compatibility issue with Final Cut Pro. My little brother also filmed a wink for this video, but he used the same camera as me so we couldn’t use it. I feel bad for that.

After watching many of his video’s I decided to start a Wiki dedicated to them. The aim of this is to provide a repository for all of his videos and in jokes, so if you want to find out about Clones, just search it. After I started it, I added a few pages, then it kind of sat around for a while. Then all of a sudden, new people spontaniously jumped on board and have been adding to it ever since. Considering I’ve barely promoted it, that’s something. It’s now got 153 pages on it. Considering he has roughly 450 videos so far, we have a way to go, but it’s doing awesome for it’s first few weeks. In fact about 120 of those pages were added within the past week.

Check it out! And if you wanna add to it, be my guest.