Wheezy Wiki

You may or may not be familiar with awesome Youtuber Wheezywaiter. He’s the king of in-jokes and beards. I personally am a massive fan of his, in fact a while ago, I teamed up with two other members of SouthPoleoftheMoon to organize a collaborative wink (he gets people to send in winks and uses them as his outro) and we ended up with 20+ people in the video. Check out the video it was featured in below.

There were so many different formats to consider whilst editing this. My face didn’t actually end up being in it, because there was a compatibility issue with Final Cut Pro. My little brother also filmed a wink for this video, but he used the same camera as me so we couldn’t use it. I feel bad for that.

After watching many of his video’s I decided to start a Wiki dedicated to them. The aim of this is to provide a repository for all of his videos and in jokes, so if you want to find out about Clones, just search it. After I started it, I added a few pages, then it kind of sat around for a while. Then all of a sudden, new people spontaniously jumped on board and have been adding to it ever since. Considering I’ve barely promoted it, that’s something. It’s now got 153 pages on it. Considering he has roughly 450 videos so far, we have a way to go, but it’s doing awesome for it’s first few weeks. In fact about 120 of those pages were added within the past week.

Check it out! And if you wanna add to it, be my guest.